Reimagining Online Learning - Case Study
One of our main focuses as a company has been to collaborate with various partners to solve key issues in online education. FlipSwitch (the parent company of StrongMind) is an innovative education software company whose products manage student data and deliver courses through elegantly designed user experiences. However, one of the key challenges that FlipSwitch has faced is having to rely on 3rd party curriculum that doesn’t meet their standards for engagement and interactivity.
The Challenge
Over the past ten years, the education landscape has changed dramatically with the emergence of online education. However, much of the curriculum available for online learning has been adapted from content designed for traditional classroom. Our challenge at StrongMind is to take FlipSwitch’s goal of authoring its own original curriculum based on the common core standards and deliver a product designed for online learning that incorporates latest user experience and design principles.
The Process (Behind The Scenes):
To accomplish this, the course authors and our creative team work very closely with one another and discuss the specific learning requirements. Our team then focuses on how to achieve these objectives in a creative and engaging way, making sure that the medium matches the message. The courses are broken down into tasks that our team discusses and plans in a daily standup meeting. From these tasks, we execute design, video, and interactive projects to complete each course. At the end of each course we review feedback and brainstorm ways we can improve our process and the student’s learning experience.
The Results:
As we continue to create new courses we will use new information gained to add to our qualitative results.
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