Immerse your students in digital courses
designed for hybrid, blended, and online learning:
Flexibility to support your local innovation
Pedagogy based in learning science to boost student achievement
Teacher tools to bolster effective instruction.
Based on 20 years of experience with students
around the country, our courses offer:

Empowerment through flexibility
- Developed specifically for hybrid, blended, and virtual learning
- Customizable to be tailored for your district and school goals
- Future proof with a path forward as your district or school evolves

Research-based pedagogy for increased student outcomes
- Based in modern learning science with a blend of digital and collaborative learning
- Scaffolds to provide equity and support for all learners
- Engagement through immersive technology

Robust resources to foster thriving teachers
- Real-time insights to personalize learning and guide data-driven instructional decisions
- Lesson plans for teacher-led instruction, remediation, and application with project-based learning
- Tools to create their own, original content
Engage Students with Rich Media
Equity for diverse learners
StrongMind is committed to providing a flexible and accessible learning experience for all users, with content to support personalized learning and the needs of diverse learners. Our digital courses are developed using Backward Design and Universal Design for Learning (UDL), resulting in standards-aligned content that includes key scaffolds that enable all learners to reach their potential.
Multiple opportunities to practice and demonstrate learning
Courses provide numerous ways for students to show what they know and can do, including a variety of formative and summative assessments ranging from no-stakes practice to high-stakes measures of mastery. Students also complete performance tasks, such as projects and writing activities to apply what they have learned to the real world. Teachers gain deep insight into individual and class performance, while students gain confidence and build agency through multiple opportunities to practice and master skills and concepts.
Assessment opportunities include:
- Variety of computer-scored items with targeted and immediate feedback
- Constructed response and other writing activities
- Discussion board responses, including responding to their peers
- Projects, including short projects and complete, immersive project-based learning (PBL)

Learners build agency with real-time access to their own data
StrongMind equips K-12 students with personalized and timely feedback throughout each course, empowering learners to monitor their own progress as they work towards and achieve mastery. Students also receive different types of feedback, including:
- Dynamic and targeted feedback for computer-scored items
- Student-facing rubrics to guide understanding
- Detailed feedback from teachers on teacher-scored activities
- Student-facing progress, achievement, and grade data

Robust Support for Teachers
Teachers should have rich resources for teaching digital courses, just like the resources that are available with traditional, print-based textbooks. StrongMind courses* include a Teacher Resource Guide (TRG) with robust tools that support a blend of both personalized, self-paced learning and synchronous learning in a variety of learning models.
- General Course Resources — includes detailed overview(s), course objectives, materials lists, vocabulary, pacing guides, graphic organizer library, and more
- Course Activity-Specific Resources — includes activity specific lesson plans and grading/scoring guidelines for teacher-directed and offline independent activities that align with every digital activity in the course
- Project-Based Learning — designed for students to think critically, applying skills and concepts to real-world problems and demonstrating understanding of complex course content not adequately measured through traditional assessments
*Available for math, ELA, social studies, and science courses grades 6-12. Other StrongMind courses include all the necessary teacher supports for supporting students online but do not include the resources for synchronous instruction.
Click the image for more details about our TRGs
Thrive with StrongMind digital courses and curriculum
for hybrid, blended, and virtual learning
In addition to innovative digital courses and curriculum, StrongMind offers a range of tailored solutions and services to support schools and districts, including a comprehensive and personalized Social Emotional Learning solution for grades K-12, community engagement services, and professional development services. Learn more about our forward-thinking solutions and reach out to discuss today!